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Humble Beginnings

Pan Adventures started with a few invites at my daughters' school to join a 'Whats App Group' to plan for and get together.

It then bore a facebook page; ( to make planning easier and also to share upcoming events with each other.

I then met up with an amazing couple who run The Personal Touch; ( a Transport Company with On Board Catering and includes Personalised Day Trips in their services. We have now partnered up to facilitate some of the events we will be hosting in future. Facebook; (

Also, I have been made admin on a fantastic and stunningly supportive mommy group called In The Company of Moms. (

Now I am fully emerged into Pan Adventures and the idea of getting together and socializing. The idea is to see an event and share it with the group and on the Facebook Page, comment that it looks fun and great, meet you there. We all pay our own way and there are no club fees or fusses. Just a good old relaxed environment to help socialize not only our kids but ourselves as well.

Following Pan Adventures I have created a more public family group called "We Built This Playground"; ( to try and entice a greater following. We do not all have to meet and greet but perhaps we find friends and solidify those friendships. I might not find myself at the event, but I have created an opportunity for others to have met. I only ask that we spread the love and share the vibe of the greater tribe. I hope that people partake in the awesomely fun challenges and post there experiences of not only the events but the challenges that they as a family or team got up to.

I feel that this will inspire movement and bonding, and will bring back the feeling, the heart, the realness of our humanity.

Our Children will only be too grateful and as I say We Built This Playground. It is really and truly up to us.

Feel free to like the above pages and become members of the respective groups. Events and Family Challenges are featured on the Pan Adventures Website as well.

Happy Playing everyone.

Below are some of the images shared with more to follow.

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